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The Cornered Lion Part I
Story hline
Author Robert Denton III
Release Date 2019-10-30
Previous The Price of Failure
Next Trust Me
Source The Cornered Lion
Cycle/Set Dominion Cycle

As the wounds of Akodo Toturi begin to heal, he must ponder his next move. Hunt his would-be assassins from the darkness, chasing shadows and rumors? Announce himself to the court, dragging the attempt on his life into the limelight for every clan to see? Accept his failure to protect his lord, and fall on his sword? With the Emerald Empire fractured, whatever decision he makes will ripple across Rokugan.

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present “The Cornered Lion” by Robert Denton III, a new short story set in the world of Legend of the Five Rings!

The Cornered Lion” continues the story of Akodo Toturi, wounded and presumed dead by the Great Clans of Rokugan. This new short story, which can be downloaded here, follows up on the events found in "Roar of the Lioness", "The Price of War," and "Falling Stars." This new story marks a crucial turning point in the life of the former Emerald Champion.

A Fateful Decision

At the forthcoming Winter Court, the new Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Shogun will decide the fate of Akodo Toturi and make one of the following choices. This sole choice will have a profound impact on the Emerald Empire of Rokugan!

1. Toturi seeks the rightful heir, Hantei Daisetsu, pledging to protect him from all threats and return him safely to the capital.

2. Toturi investigates the attempt on his life and possible connections to the Emperor’s death, dragging the perpetrators into the light to foil their efforts.

3. Toturi returns to the Lion Clan and confronts Matsu Tsuko, hoping to gain her support and unify the Lion Clan to restore order in the capital.

4. Toturi undergoes a pilgrimage to seek the council of his former sensei at the Monastery Among the Winds.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Winter Court, new fiction that reflects the choice made by the newly appointed Shogun will be unveiled, but the consequences will ripple for years to come. Be sure to check back for "The Cornered Lion Part II" and even more Legend of the Five Rings fiction!​
