Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
Truth and Lies
Story hline
Author Katrina Ostrander
Release Date 2020-05-06
Previous Violence Behind Courtliness
Next Courtly Nets and Hidden Snares
Source Truth and Lies
Cycle/Set Dominion Cycle

Ousted from the capital by Shoju, Bayushi Kachiko has been imprisoned within Toshi Ranbo, languishing with nothing left to manipulate. Yet this is the very city that Doji Hotaru now pushes toward, with an eye toward claiming a place for her armies to shelter. Can two souls become linked by destiny? And what will be the fallout of the unfolding confrontation—for Hotaru, Kachiko, Yojiro, and the entire Emerald Empire?

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present "Truth and Lies", a new Legend of the Five Rings short story by Katrina Ostrander. This fiction serves as the conclusion to the trilogy begun in "Caged Birds" and continued with "Violence Behind Courtliness".
