Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
Warriors of the Wind
L5C17 main
Story hline
Product Code L5C17
Release Date 2019-04-11 [1]
Previous Children of the Empire
Next Masters of the Court
Cycle Clan Packs
Disambig This article is about the Clan Pack. For the card and lore, see Warriors of the Wind.

Warriors of the Wind is the third Clan Pack and contains three copies of twenty-five new cards, plus one copy of three new cards. [2]

The cover art of this set by Amélie Hutt is from the card Moto Chagatai.

Cards[ | ]

ID Name Clan Deck Type Traits Text Box
6 Shinjo Trailblazer unicorn Dynasty Character Bushi. Cavalry. Reaction: After an opponent's province is revealed during a conflict – this character gets +2 military and +2 Political until the end of the conflict.
12 Hida Tsuru Unique crab Dynasty Character Bushi. Cavalry. Reaction: After a character is moved to or played into a conflict in which this character is participating – until the end of the conflict, this character gets +1military and +1Political. (Unlimited.)
9 Iuchi Daiyu Unique unicorn Dynasty Character Shugenja. Water. Cavalry. Daimyō. Action: During a conflict, choose a character – that character gets +1military until the end of the conflict for each faceup non-stronghold provinces your opponent controls.
5 Young Warrior unicorn Dynasty Character Bushi. Cavalry. Battle Maiden. This character must be declared as an attacker or defender on the first conflict declared each round.
1 Shiro Shinjo Unique unicorn Stronghold Castle. Reaction: After you collect fate during the dynasty phase, choose an opponent and bow this stronghold – gain 1 fate for each faceup non-stronghold province controlled by that player.
23 Speak to the Heart unicorn Conflict Event Action: During a conflict, choose a unicorn character – that character gets +1Political until the end of the conflict for each faceup non-stronghold province your opponent controls. (Max 1 per conflict.)
4 Wild Stallion unicorn Dynasty Character Creature. No attachments.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is not participating, choose up to 1 other character you control – move this character and that character to the conflict.
3 Support of the Unicorn neutral Role Unicorn. Increase your deckbuilding influence value by 8. You may only spend influence on unicorn clan cards.
7 Iuchi Farseer unicorn Dynasty Character Shugenja. Water. Reaction: After this character enters play, choose an opponent's facedown province – reveal that province.
27 Compass neutral Conflict Attachment Gaijin. Item. Reaction: After an opponent's province is revealed during a conflict in which attached character is participating – look at the top 3 cards of one of your decks. You may put any number of those cards on the bottom of that deck and the rest on top in any order.
22 Utaku Battle Steed unicorn Conflict Attachment Mount. Attach to a unicorn character.
Attached character gains the Cavalry trait.
Reaction: After the attached character wins a military conflict – honor attached character.
20 Curved Blade unicorn Conflict Attachment Weapon. Gaijin. Attach to a unicorn character. Restricted.
While attached character is attacking, it gets an additional +2military.
28 Trading on the Sand Road neutral Conflict Event Gaijin. Interrupt: When the draw phase would begin – skip the draw phase. Each player removes the top 4 cards of his or her conflict deck from the game. Until the end of the round, either player may play the removed cards as if they were in his or her hand.
21 Ring of Binding unicorn Conflict Attachment Item. Meishōdō. During the fate phase, if you are the first player, attached character cannot lose fate or be discarded.
2 Khan's Ordu unicorn Province Reaction: After this province is revealed – if the current conflict is Political, switch the conflict type. Each conflict declared this phase is military instead of its normal type.
18 Visiting Advisor unicorn Conflict Character Courtier. Cavalry. Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, choose up to 1 other character you control – move this character and that character home.
19 Shinomen Wayfinders unicorn Conflict Character Bushi. Cavalry. Scout. No attachments except Weapon
Action: During a conflict, reduce the cost to play this character by 1 for each participating unicorn character you control.
25 Warriors of the Wind unicorn Conflict Event Action: During a conflict – move each participating Cavalry character you control home. Then, choose any number of Cavalry characters you control and move them to the conflict.
11 Aranat Unique unicorn Dynasty Character Creature. Air. Mythic. Spirit. No attachments.
Reaction: After you play this character, choose an opponent – that player may reveal any number of his or her facedown non-stronghold provinces. Then, place 1 fate on this character for each facedown province that player controls (including their stronghold province).
16 Shosuro Hyobu Unique scorpion Dynasty Character Courtier. Action: After an opponent discards 1 or more cards from his or her hand due to the cost or effect of a card ability, choose a character – dishonor that character.
13 Kakita Ryoku Unique crane Dynasty Character Courtier. Imperial. Reaction: After a phase begins, if you have the Imperial Favor, choose a character – honor that character.
17 Ivory Kingdoms Unicorn neutral Dynasty Character Creature. Gaijin. No attachments.
Reaction: After the resolution of a conflict in which this character was attacking, if a province was broken in the conflict – immediately declare your next conflict for the phase. That conflict is military instead of its normal type.
26 Ikoma Anakazu Unique lion Conflict Character Bushi. Daimyō. During each conflict in which this character is participating, it gets +3 military and +3 Political if your opponent has broken one or more of your provinces this phase.
14 Agasha Taiko Unique dragon Dynasty Character Bushi. Reaction: After you play this character, choose a non-strnoghold province – that province cannot be attacked this round.
15 Kaito Nobukai Unique phoenix Dynasty Character Courtier. Daimyō. Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, sacrifice this character – bow each participating character. Characters cannot be moved to this conflict.
10 Moto Chagatai Unique unicorn Dynasty Character Bushi. Cavalry. This character does not bow during the conflict resolution of conflicts in which a province your opponent controls was broken.
8 Saadiyah al-Mozedu Unique unicorn Dynasty Character Courtier. Gaijin. Scholar. Sincerity.
Action: Discard a card from your hand and choose an unbroken province not currently being attacked – turn that province facedown.
24 Spoils of War unicorn Conflict Event Reaction: After you win a military conflict as the attacker – draw 3 cards. Then, choose and discard 1 card from your hand. (Max 1 per conflict.)

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